City of Kewanee City Council met April 22.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Payroll
c. Staff Reports
4. Presentation of Bills and Claims
5. Oath of Office
a) Mayor Gary Moore
b) Councilman Chris Colomer
c) Councilman Mike Komnick
6. Citizen Participation
7. Business:
a) Consideration of a Resolution declaring as excess the name plaques of former Mayor Steve Looney and former Councilman Andy Koehler and thanking them for their years of service in elected office for the City of Kewanee.
b) Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute an agreement with Neponset Fire Protection District for the provision of ambulance service.
c) Consideration of a Resolution appropriating matching funds for the FAU East Street Project.
d) Consideration of a Resolution appointing a City Attorney.
e) Consideration of a Resolution appointing a City Treasurer.
f) Consideration of a Resolution appointing a City Clerk.
g) Consideration of an Ordinance to amend Sections 50.04-(A-M) Residential Refuse and Garbage Pickup and 50.07-(D-E) Residential Bulk Brush Pickup and 50.09-(D) Rates and Rules For Solid Waste Pickup Of Chapter 50 Solid Waste Management, of Title V Public Works of the Kewanee City Code
h) Consideration of a Resolution awarding the mowing of nuisance properties for FY 20.
8. Council Communications:
9. Announcements:
10. Adjournment