City of Geneseo City Council met Sept. 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
The City Council of the City of Geneseo met in a City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Kathy Carroll-Duda called the meeting to order at 7:59 pm. Aldermen Brett Barnhart, Bob Wachtel, Sean Johnson, Martin Rothschild, Craig Arnold, Doug Crow, Paula Simosky and Bob James were present. Others in attendance included, Administrator Hollenkamp, City Clerk Phlypo, and City Attorney Puma.
Public Comment
Consideration to approve the additional requested funds in the amount of $2,845 for the purchase of a used forklift by the Electric Department from Unzicker Equipment.
No discussion
Motion by Barnhart, second by Rothschild to approve the additional allocation of up to $2,845 for the purchase of a used (2010 Caterpillar) forklift for a total purchase price of $17,845.
Roll Call
Ayes 8 Rothschild, Johnson, Crow, Barnhart, Wachtel, James, Simosky, Arnold
Consideration to approve the lowest bid for the Richmond Hill Park Project.
The lowest bid came in from Valley Construction in the amount of $641,295.75.
Motion by Wachtel, second by Rothschild to approve the lowest bid from Valley Construction in the amount of $641,295.75.00 to include alternates 1,3 and 4 pending receipt of additional funds for the Richmond Hill Park Project.
Roll Call
Ayes 5 Rothschild, Crow, Barnhart, Wachtel, Simosky
Nays 3 Johnson, James, Arnold
Consideration to approve Resolution R-19-15 A Resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a development agreement by, between, and among the City of Geneseo, Geneseo Senior LLC, Bear Development
LLC and John A. Loucks & Margaret Loucks for the construction of Geneseo Senior Commons.
No discussion or action at this time.
Consideration to approve hiring a part-time officer.
No discussion or action at this time.
Public Comment
Motion by Johnson, second by Wachtel to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 PM.
Voice Vote. All Ayes.
Motion Carried