
Rock Island Today

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Carbon Cliff Board of Trustees met October 15

Webp hall

Village of Carbon Cliff Board of Trustees met Oct. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Village President Hintz called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Members President: Keith Curry, Robert Dreher, Alma Neels

Members Absent: Todd Cantrell, LeeVon Harris, Larry Scott

Others Present: Nick Gottwalt, Director of Community & Administrative Services (D.O.C.A.S.); & Karen L. Hopkins, Village Clerk

Hearing of the Citizens:

Alma Neels, as a resident of Carbon Cliff read a letter from Christ United Methodist Carbon Cliff Church. The letter is requesting donations to Christ United Methodist Church % Carbon Cliff Food Basket Program, the fund would need to be mailed or dropped off at 3801 7th Street, East Moline, IL 61244. Volunteers and nonperishable food items are needed also, call (309) 235-1241.

Village President’s Agenda items discussed:

• Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association Annual Contribution is the same contribution / premium as last year for the Village’s general insurance, $36,232.00. The Village in the past has taken Option 3 for the payment of the 2020 insurance contribution amount that would be 1% installment fee with first payment of $18,384.66 due by December 20, 2019; second payment of $18,384.66 due by May 15, 2020. The two payment also include the 1% fee for splitting the payment and $175.00 with each payment for the Illinois Municipal League.

• Ordinance No. 2019-31, “An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of An Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract With The Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association.

• Village President recommends the following salaries/wages for the employees/offices in 2020:

✓ Ben Allen – Village Collector $38,937.60 Annual Salary; Deputy Clerk $60.80 per Board Meeting attended.

✓ Karen Hopkins – Office Manager & Accountant $44,449.60 Annual Salary; Budget Officer $185.71 per Week; Village Clerk $60.80 per Board Meeting attended.

✓ Nick Gottwalt – Director of Community & Administrative Services $45,385.60 Annual Salary.

✓ Dan Clark – Head Maintenance Operator $41,641.60 Annual Salary Hourly Rate $20.02

✓ Ronald Murphy – Maintenance Operator $37,897.60 Annual Salary Hourly Rate $18.22

✓ Brandt Schultz – Maintenance Operator $36,337.60 Annual Salary Hourly Rate $17.47

• Ordinance No. 2019-29, “An Ordinance Setting Salaries And Wages For Full-Time Village Officers And Employees Beginning December 21, 2019 And Ending December 31, 2020”.

• Ordinance No. 2019-30, “An Ordinance Setting Salaries And Wages Beginning December 21, 2019 And Ending December 31, 2020 For Part-Time Village Officers And Employees”.

• Illinois Department Of Central Management Services, Illinois State Joint Purchasing, has awarded the 2019-2020 Bulk Rock Salt Contract to Compass Minerals America Inc. On October 1, 2019 the awarded price is $82.98 per ton. Back on February 19, 2019 when the Village had to submit our order for the Rock Salt, we ordered 250 tons. Village must take delivery and pay for a minimum of 80%. Village must purchase 200 tons (80%) at $82.98 per ton for a total of $16,596.00; Village can purchase as much as 300 tons (120%) at $82.98 per ton for a total of $24,894.00. This will be basically put in budget for the 2020 Budget Year, and in the 2020 Budget Year we must put additional funds for the Fall of 2020 salt purchases at an unknown price per ton.

• The Village started receiving funds from the new Illinois Fuel Tax that the Governor put into place on July 1, 2019. These funds are for the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, for road repair, salt, new roadways, etc.

August Motor Fuel Taxes Distribution to Village on 09/05/19:

Motor Fuel Tax Fund Allotment $3,916.52 (Normal distribution)

MFT Transportation Renewal Fund Allotment $3,179.88 (New MFT Tax Portion)

September Motor Fuel Taxes Distribution to Village on 10/07/2019:

Motor Fuel Tax Fund Allotment $4,504.53 (Normal distribution) MFT Transportation Renewal Fund Allotment $3,203.61 (New MFT Tax Portion)

It appears this will almost double the normal Motor Fuel Tax we were getting in the past. Clerk gave the MFT Transportation Renewal Fund Allotment a sub line item number under the normal MFT distribution. The Village will be able to track the difference this way.

The Motor Fuel Tax paid each time fuel is purchased in Illinois is distribution out the State, not just the area where the fuel was purchased. Municipalities receive the MFT Distribution per capita; Township Distribution is per mile of roadway they maintain; County Distribution is based on the number of registered vehicles in the County.

• D.O.C.A.S. Nick Gottwalt attended the Illinois Municipal League 2019 Annual Conference. He brought back information that all Elected Officers and Village Office workers should read. He included copies in the Board Packets of the following topics:

o Project Construction 101: What the heck are soft costs

o Capital Planning for Small Communities

o Ethics & Transparency: How Well Do You Know The Rules?

o Ethics for Elected Officials

o Municipal Budgeting: The Annual Cycle of Resources, Properties and Planning o The Impact of Legalization of Recreational Cannabis on IL Municipalities

o Local Regulation of Cannabis Business Establishments

Meetings / Conferences:

• D.O.C.A.S. Nick Gottwalt will be attending the Upper Mississippi River Conference, October 23-24, 2019 at Stoney Creek Hotel & Conference Center, Moline, IL.

Committee Meeting items discussed:

Public Properties Committee: Village President Bill Hintz read the minutes of the October 7, 2019 meeting. Present were Chairman Larry Scott; Trustee Todd Cantrell; Trustee Robert Dreher. Others present Dan Clark, Maintenance Operator; Nick Gottwalt, D.O.C.A.S.; Bill Hintz, Village President; and Karen Hopkins, Village Clerk / Office Manager. Reviewed 2020 Budget items. Resident Alma Neels would like to put up Stuffed Clothing Halloween Characters – Committee vote 3-0 to allow only on the Village Property where the Welcome Sign are located. This is due to the liability and concerns other residents have had in the past.

There were concerns brought up about mud being tracked onto North 2nd Avenue (Highway 84). The Village will contact the owner of the property to please watch the mud and to remove it if necessary.

Ditch Cleaning from 1st Street to Park looks good.

Public Safety Committee: Chairman Alma Neels read the minutes for the October 7, 2019 meeting. President were Chairman Alma Neels; Trustee Robert Dreher; Trustee Larry Scott. Others present Bill Hintz, Village President; Nick Gottwalt, D.O.C.A.S.; Karen Hopkins, Village Clerk / Office Manager; and Rock Island County Deputy Asquine. Deputy Asquini gave up on the calls for service for month of September 2019 – total calls 265.

Public Works Committee: Chairman Keith Curry read the minutes of the October 8, 2019 meeting. Present were Chairman Keith Curry; Trustee LeeVon Harris; Trustee Alma Neels. Others present were Bill Hintz, Village President; Nick Gottwalt, D.O.C.A.S.; and Karen Hopkins, Village Clerk / Budget Officer. Discussed the installation of the recently purchased fire hydrants, versing Village Maintenance Operators doing the work or hiring out the installation. The Committee feel it would be best to hire out.

Ehler’s should be starting on the Village’s Sewer Rate and Water Cash Flow. Most all the information they need Clerk Hopkins has sent to them, including the Preliminary Engineering Study from IMEG.

Administration Committee: Village President Bill Hintz read the minutes of the Committee Meeting. Present were Chairman LeeVon Harris; Trustee Keith Curry. Absent was Todd Cantrell. Bill Hintz, Village President, Nick Gottwalt, D.O.C.A.S.; and Karen Hopkins Village Clerk / Budget Officer.

Started the meeting with Representatives from Comfort Inn and Super 8 Motels with concerns about a new hotel that is going to be built on Avenue of the Cities in Silvis, not far from their motels. The Motels are looking for ideas on how to promote more business to their current Motels and not loose business to the new Motel.

Discussed employees’ wages going with the 3% raise for Ben Allen & 2% raise for other employees, trying to bring more in line with number of years employed.

Risk Management insurance premium is the same premium as last year for the 2020-year $36,769.32 Annual. This includes the Illinois Municipal League Annual Dues of $300.00 and 1% total for splitting into two payments. $18,384.66 is due by 12/20/2019 and $18,384.66 is due by 05/15/2020. The cost of the equipment breakdown coverage is $1,173.00 for the year and included in the total shown above.

The Travelers Insurance Carrier has added special terms and conditions on Equipment Breakdown coverage as follows: (This is the coverage that reimbursed the Village for the generator at Pump House A; two air condition condensers on Village Hall side of 1001 Mansur Avenue and the furnace a/c on Sheriff’s side).

Discussed Projects and Goals for 2020 – the estimate cost, etc. to be put in the 2020 Budget.

For the 2020 Budget, the Village ordered 250 tons of bulk rock salt for the streets, the orders were due in April 2019 for the 2019/2020 winter. Since the beginning of 2019 almost complete depleted the salt inventory, 250 tons was ordered. The Village will have to purchase 200 ton and take delivery by June 2020, and we can purchase up to 300 tons per the contract. Estimated price at time of Administration Committee was $81.00 per ton. Nick Gottwalt has received the final awarded bid with the cost coming in at $82.98 per ton.

Discussed the cash flow problem in the General Fund. All loans are get at the lowest possible percent of interest and the shortest length the Village can make the payments and still operator.

Old Business items discussed:

• Brief discussion on the Regional Sewer Treatment Plant in East Moline. Clerk Hopkins has filed FOI forms with East Moline, but their Clerk does not respond. Talked to Mayor and he put department heads in touch with Clerk Hopkins to try and gather the information. Part of the information requested is an IGA between the City of Moline and City of East Moline to treat sewer sent from Moline to Regional Sewer Treatment plant in Moline. After receiving this information, we will continue with the meeting including all towns that need into and are part of the Regional Sewer Treatment Plant.

• D.O.C.A.S. Gottwalt has contacted Midco Diving and they have us on the schedule to come back out and clean and inspect the Village water tower.

Motion 1: Motion by Curry to establish Consent Agenda, as follows:

5. Village President’s Agenda:

a. Approve Option 3 of the 2020 Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association Annual Contribution. Total invoice of $36,769.32. Option 3 is:

Option 3 – Pay in two installments includes 1% installment fee

Contribution Amount $36,232.00

Plus 1% fee $ 362.32

Sub Total $36,594.32

Illinois Municipal Dues $ 175.00

GRAND TOTAL $36,769.32

Payments: Due by 12/20/2019 $18,384.66

Due by 05/15/2020 $18,384.66

b. Adopt Ordinance No. 2019-31, “An Ordinance Authorizing Execution Of An Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract With The Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association.”

d. Set the 2020 salaries/wages for employees/officers as recommended by the Village President in item 5.c.

Ben Allen – Village Collector $38,937.60 Annual Salary – Deputy Clerk $60.80 per Board Meeting attended. Karen Hopkins – Office Manager & Accountant $44,449.60 Annual Salary – Budget Officer $185.71 per week – Village Clerk $60.80 per Board Meeting attended.

Nick Gottwalt – Director of Community & Administrative Services $45,385.60 Annual Salary.

Dan Clark – Head of Maintenance Operator $41,641.60 Annual Salary - $20.02 Hourly Rate.

Ronald Murphy – Maintenance Operator $37,897.60 Annual Salary - $18.22 Hourly Rate.

Brandt Schultz – Maintenance Operator $36,337.60 Annual Salary - $17.47 Hourly Rate.

e. Adopt Ordinance No. 2019-29, “An Ordinance Setting Salaries And Wages For Full-Time Village Officers And Employees Beginning December 21, 2019 And Ending December 31, 2020”.

f. Adopt Ordinance No. 2019-30, “An Ordinance Setting Salaries And Wages For Part-Time Officers And Employees”.

9. Minutes / Reports / Public Notices:

a. Minutes of the Regular Board Meetings of the Carbon Cliff Board of Trustees for Tuesday, September 17, 2019 and Tuesday, October 1, 2019 as presented – approved / filed;

b. Monthly Clerk’s Report for September 2019, as presented – approved / filed;

c. Monthly Collector’s Report for September 2019, as presented – approved / filed;

d. Monthly Maintenance Comp Time Report for September 2019, as presented – approved / filed;

e. Monthly Maintenance Report for September 2019, as presented – approved / filed;

f. Monthly Treasurer’s Report for September 2019, as presented – approved / filed;

g. Minutes of the October 7,2019, Public Properties Committee Meeting, as presented – approved / filed;

h. Minutes of the October 7, 2019, Public Safety Committee Meeting, as presented – approved / filed

i. Minutes of the October 8, 2019, Public Works Committee Meeting, as presented – amended (start time and taken by Keith Curry) – approved / filed; and

j. Minutes of the October 8, 2019, Administration Committee Meeting, as presented – amended (added Nick Gottwalt, D.O.C.A.S. as present at meeting) – approved / filed.

12. Approval of Bills / Payroll / Transfers / Voided Checks:

Second by Neels. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Curry-yes; Dreher-yes; Neels-yes; Hintz-yes

4-yes; 0-no; 3-absent

Motion 2: Motion by Neels to approve the Consent Agenda as established:

5. a., b., d., e., f. Village President’s Agenda

9. a., b., c., d., e., f., g., h., i., j. Minutes / Reports / Public Notices

12. a. Bills / Payroll / Transfers and Voided Checks

Second by Dreher. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Curry-yes; Dreher-yes; Neels-yes; Hintz-yes

4-yes; 0-no; 3-absent

Motion 3: Motion by Neels to adjourn. Second by Curry. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Curry-yes; Dreher-yes; Neels-yes; Hintz-yes

4-yes; 0-no; 3-absent

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.



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