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Rock Island County Finance & Personnel Committee met Dec. 14

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Rock Island County Finance & Personnel Committee met Dec. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Finance and Personnel Committee of the Rock Island County Board will meet at the above date and time in the County Board Chambers on the third floor of the County Office Building, Per section 7(e) of the State of Illinois Open Meetings Act, Members of the County Board may attend the meeting remotely, if they prefer.

Call to order and roll call at 9:30a.m.

Present: Chairman L. Moreno, D. Cremeens, C. Enburg, A. Normoyle, R. Simmer, K. Swanson, B. Vyncke, L. Thompson, Chairman R. Brunk

Public Comment

Chairman Moreno made three calls for public comment. No requests.

Approval of the Minutes from the November 9th 2021, Finance and Personnel Meeting.

Motion to approve by R. Simmer, seconded by D. Cremeens

Roll Call was established. Chairman Moreno-yes, D. Cremeens-yes, C. Enburg-yes, A. Normoyle-yes, R. Simmer yes, K. Swanson-yes, B. Vyncke-yes, L. Thompson-yes.

Motion carries

Reports to the Committee

L. Ewert Treasurer reported the delinquent tax sale will take place on December 30th. Certified bills were sent to the delinquent tax payers. This is a requirement by law in order to sale the taxes.

She also reported that the sales tax for September was a little over $400,000.00. She referred to her cover letter on her report in the packet regarding tax distribution. She shared that another $500,000.00 was put on the principal of the TAW for Hope Creek. Also, per the TAW agreement the interest of $16,000-$17,000 was paid. The balance on the principal is $500,000 which they are hoping to pay off in the spring of 2022.

Louisa also stated in mid-November they received a PTAB decision from the property tax real estate board for Minnesota Mining Manufacturing Company which is known as 3M for years 2017, 2018, and 2019. This month she expects to receive another decision for tax year 2020. What this means is that in those years the taxing districts were over distributed, and we will have to recapture that money because we will have to refund. The refund owed for 2017, 2018, and 2019 is approximately $360,000.00. Because we are at the end of our tax season we have already distributed 97% of our tax dollars for this year. With the final distribution in January there’s a high probability that we may have to ask for a refund from some of the taxing districts. That are involved. This parcel is in the Cordova area. She will recapture everything she can with the final distribution in January and then see if a refund is needed on top of that. She will have more information regarding this in the future.

Captain Darren Hart shared in 2019 the Rock Island County Board supported, providing financial resources for P25. The public safety communication project. Scott County is also involved in the project. This allows the sheriff department to have communication that meet s today’s standards. This week the sheriff’s department started using all new portable and mobile equipment. Everything is going well and the new system is 95% compliant. This brings a lot of safety to our community and to our sheriff department’s staff. He just wanted to thank everyone for their support.

The second thing Capt. Hart shared is that the sheriff wanted to ask that the hazard pay for the sheriff’s office that was asked for during some ARPA meetings be revisited and he would like an update.

Consider Resolution for Designation of Banks or Other Depositories

Motion to approve by K. Swanson, seconded by B. Vyncke

Motion to adopt previous roll call by K. Swanson, seconded by A. Normoyle

Motion carries

Consider Chairman’s Request to help fund Emergency Winter Sheltering

Chairman Brunk shared this comes from a request from Humility Homes and Services to help support the regions emergency sheltering. The request is for $3500.00.The request went to the Big Seven which includes the 5 cities and the 2 counties in our bi-state area. Member K. Swanson asked if these funds will be spent equitably across the county or primarily in Iowa. Chairman Brunk shared that the shelter is in Davenport but it is available to people from both sides of the river. Our emergency services will be able to take those in need from the Illinois areas to that facility.

Motion to approve R. Simmer, seconded by B. Vyncke

Motion for previous roll call by K. Swanson, seconded by R. Simmer

Motion carries

Consider vehicle(s) purchase for Building and Zoning

Greg Thorpe shared this is for $48,488.00 to purchase two vehicles. One is budgeted for FY21. Was unable to find one during the pandemic. He will be ordering the vehicles, hoping they will be delivered by spring. Motion to approve by B. Vyncke seconded by K. Swanson

Motion for previous roll call by B. Vyncke, seconded by R. Simmer

Motion carries

Consideration of Public Defender’s Request to Reallocate Approved Salary Increase Dollars

Public Defender Hany Khoury shared the allocations for the assistant public defenders for the 5% increase that had previously been approved. Committee member K. Swanson asked Chairman Brunk since this has been prior approved is it necessary for the committee to approve the allocations. Chairman Brunk stated that Due to the specific actions that the budget committee had taken he felt it a good idea for the committee and the board to hear the allocations.

Motion to approve by B. Vyncke, seconded by K. Swanson.

Motion for previous roll call by K. Swanson, seconded by L. Thompson

Motion carries

Consider Request for Proposals; Recordation of the Former Rock Island County Courthouse

Chairman Brunk shared the lowest bid from Benjamin Historic Certifications at $18,900.00 was recommended by former County Administrator Jim Snider.

Motion to approve K. Swanson, seconded by R. Simmer

Motion for previous roll call by C. Enburg, seconded by L. Thompson

Motion carries

Consider Contract for Assessment Mapping and GIS Services Contract as budgeted Motion to approve by K. Swanson, seconded by L. Thompson

Motion for previous roll call by D. Cremeens, seconded by B. Vyncke A. Normoyle

Motion carries

Discussion and Consideration of one-time premium bonus pay (ARPA)

Chairman Brunk reported that there are three requests one from the Sherriff’s office, one form State’s Attorney’s office, and one from the County Clerk’s office for the staff that worked elections during the pandemic,

Member K. Swanson commented that they have been waiting to hear from someone at the state level to hear how the association tallies. They want to do everything in their power to thank these professionals for their selfless service, but we also want to make sure that as one of the counties with the most precarious fiscal situations in the state we aren’t one of the only ones pursuing this strategy, How do we compare? When we are looking at compensation, we try to do what other counties are doing. The “Crisis isn’t over, it’s roaring back”. “I want us to do the right thing and I want us to show our appreciation to these incredibly committed and dedicated professionals that serve us day in and day out.” But I also think we have to be a little bit thoughtful and make sure that what we are doing isn’t putting us in future risk.

Member R. Simmer also commented that he would echo what Mr. Swanson was saying. He also stated that his cohorts at the hospital, nurses and doctors they didn’t get any such things. “It’s part of our jobs, it is what we do. I didn’t take any days off myself for what little I participated.” It is what we do and it is part of our job descriptions. I am a little nervous about giving it across the board. He would also like to hear what the state has to say.

Member C. Enburg also commented, she also agrees with what the other members have said. She feels the request came through as a rush. She feels like they need time to make sure it’s the right decision. Member L. Thompson commented as being new to the board she would also like more time and information. Motion to postpone by K. Swanson, seconded by R. Simmer

Motion to adopt previous roll call by R. Simmer, seconded by B. Vyncke

Motion carries

Consider Delinquent Tax Resolutions

a. Permanent Parcel #1601405012 SR

b. Permanent Parcel #0926303001 HA

c. Permanent Parcel #0930204017 HA

d. Permanent Parcel #0930312048 HA

e. Permanent Parcel #0930215020 HA

f. Permanent Parcel #0932104025 HA

g. Permanent Parcel #1804103011 HA

h. Permanent Parcel #0920401001 HA

i. Permanent Parcel #0930210006 HA

j. Permanent Parcel #1717207013 SM

k. Permanent Parcel #1602139010 RI

l. Permanent Parcel #1602119001 RI

m. Permanent Parcel #1602118018 RI

n. Permanent Parcel #0734413005 RI

o. Permanent Parcel #0734418007 RI

Motion to approve by K. Swanson, seconded by L. Thompson

p. Permanent Parcel #0736316007 RI

q. Permanent Parcel #0736312010 RI

r. Permanent Parcel #1603223004 RI

s. Permanent Parcel #0734453005 RI

t. Permanent Parcel #1610400020 SR

u. Permanent Parcel #1614011002 SR

v. Permanent Parcel #1623210006 BH

w. Permanent Parcel #1726400039 CV

x. Permanent Parcel #2308100007 BO

y. Permanent Parcel #1625304091 FKA

110939165 BH

z. Permanent Parcel #1625304104 FKA (11)0940465 BH

aa. Permanent Parcel #1525100007 AN bb. Permanent Parcel #0735418011 RI

Motion to adopt previous roll call by C. Enburg, seconded by B. Vyncke Motion carries

Consider Highway Items

a. Consider Resolution Appropriating County Engineer’s salary, benefits and expenses

Motion to approve by R. Simmer, seconded by K. Swanson

Motion for previous roll call by R. Simmer, seconded by A. Normoyle Motion carries

b. Review and Approve Quotations for a Snow Plow Blade and Spreader

John Massa there was a revised quote, low bid from Bonnell Industries at $15,967.65

Motion to approve by B. Vyncke, seconded by D. Cremeens

Motion to adopt previous roll call K. Swanson, seconded by R. Simmer Motion carries

Consider Transfers of Appropriations

Finance and Personnel Committee

December 14th, 2021

Motion to approve by B. Vyncke, seconded by R. Simmer

Motion to adopt previous roll call by R. Simmer, B. Vyncke and C. Enburg

Motion carries

Consider Appropriation Resolutions for Funds

Motion to approve by R. Simmer, seconded by L. Thompson

Motion to adopt previous roll call by A. Normoyle, seconded by R. Simmer

Motion carries

Consider Claims of $ 1,316,261.44

Motion to approve by D. Cremeens, seconded by K. Swanson

Motion to adopt previous roll call by B. Vyncke, seconded by R. Simmer

Motion carries

Consider Treasurers’ Disbursements of $3,547,465,98

Motion to approve by L. Thompson, seconded K. Swanson

Motion to adopt previous roll call by D. Cremeens, seconded by C. Enburg

Motion carries

Consider Board Member per diem/Mileage Report

Motion to approve by R. Simmer, seconded by D. Cremeens, and A, Normoyle

Motion to adopt previous roll call by K. Swanson, seconded by B. Vyncke

Motion carries

Committee Member opportunity for brief comment (no decisions will be made)

Adjourn at 10:17 am.

Motion to approve by K. Swanson, seconded by B. Vyncke

Motion carries
