
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

City of Moline Committee of the Whole met March 7

City of Moline Committee of the Whole met March 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order

2. Remote Electronic Attendance (if necessary)

Approval of the remote electronic attendance of certain elected officials

3. Board Appointments

Mayor's appointment of Ty Lewis to the Plan Commission to fill the unexpired term of Cal Lee to expire June 30, 2026.

Mayor's appointment of Emily Freymann to the Keep Moline Beautiful Commission to fill the unexpired term of Greg Swanson to expire November 30, 2023.

Mayor's appointment of Jersey Rivers to the Citizens Advisory Council on Urban Planning (CACUP) to fill the unexpired term of Janet Zam to expire July 31, 2025.

4. Public Comment

5. Questions on the Agenda

6. COW Agenda Items

6.1 A Resolution approving an amendment to the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners (hereinafter “Commission”), concerning “Chapter VI – Examinations for Original Appointment – Fire”; Sections 1, 5(a)(b), and 8(c); and amending Ordinance No. 3050-2022, the budget for fiscal year 2023 for the Fire Department, by including additional training costs associated with the amendments to the Rules and Regulations of the Commission.

6.2 A Resolution authorizing the Fire Deputy Chief of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to execute a Procare Proposal between the City of Moline Fire Department and Stryker related to the onsite preventive maintenance of current EMS equipment; and amending Ordinance No. 3050-2022, the budget for the fiscal year 2023 for the Fire Department, by including additional costs associated with the Procare Six-Year Agreement.

6.3 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to an Intergovernmental Fire Protection Agreement between the City of Moline (“City”) and the South Moline Township Fire Protection District (“District”) for the purpose of providing fire protection and emergency ambulance services to the District commencing June 1, 2023, and ending on May 31, 2024; and authorizing City of Moline officers and staff to do all things necessary to complete each of the City’s responsibilities pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement.

6.4 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Moline Coal Valley School District No. 40 establishing an administrative internship program.

7. Informational

7.1 Analysis of Off-Street Parking Regulations (Ryan Hvitlok, Director of Community & Economic Development)

7.2 March Status & Information Report (Bob Vitas, City Administrator)

8. Public Comment

9. Council Call to Order

10. Pledge of Allegiance

11. Invocation – Alderman Williams

12. Roll Call

13. Consent Agenda - Approval of Minutes and Appointments

All items under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which case, the item will be moved from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after the Omnibus Vote.

13.1 Committee-of-the-Whole minutes of February 21, 2023, and Council meeting minutes of February 14, 2023, and February 21, 2023, and appointments made during Committee-of the-Whole on March 7, 2023.

14. Consent Agenda - Resolutions

14.1 1039-2023 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Sutphen Corporation of Dublin, Ohio, for the purchase of a custom chassis S9 fire pumper utilizing Sourcewell Contract, #022818-SUT, in the amount of $847,336.48.

14.2 1040-2023 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a purchase agreement with Legacy Fire Apparatus of Shorewood, Illinois, for the purchase of one custom Fouts Bros Fouts 4 Initial Attack vehicle utilizing NPPGov Contract #PS20225 for the amount of $339,890.73.

14.3 1041-2023 A Resolution authorizing approval of a request for a street light in the 1000 block of 24th Street for an amount of $2,151.69.

14.4 1042-2023 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Joint Funding Agreement for State-Let Construction Work and a Resolution for Improvement authorizing Motor Fuel Tax funds be used for the City’s Local Match for Project 19-00269-00-RS, 7th Street Resurfacing from 12thto 16th Avenue, for the amount of $84,250.

14.5 1043-2023 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Joint Funding Agreement for State-Let Construction Work and a Resolution for Improvement authorizing Motor Fuel Tax funds be used for the City’s Local Match for Project 19-00270-00-RS, Avenue of the Cities Overlay from 34thto 41st Street, for the amount of $103,500.

14.6 1044-2023 A Resolution seeking approval of Addendum No. 1 to the Moline Little League lease. In an effort to defray its operational expenses and maintain competitive registration fees for its participants, Moline Little League has requested permission to sell advertising and sponsorship opportunities in the form of signage to commercial supporters seeking promotional opportunities at the Riverside Complex. This was approved by the Park Board on 2/23/23.

14.7 1045-2023 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to an agreement with Kevin Evans & Associates, to administer Small Business Development Services for the Business Owner Occupied Stabilization Transformation (B.O.O.S.T.) program, beginning March 8, 2023 through February 28, 2025.

15. Omnibus Vote

16. Non-Consent Agenda - Second Reading Ordinances

16.1 3006-2023 An Ordinance amending Chapter 35, “ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT,” ARTICLE 1, DIVISION 2, Section 35-1203, “DEFINITIONS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, by revising certain definitions related to nonconformities; amending ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 1 entitled “IN GENERAL”; dealing with the same subject matter; and ARTICLE 5, DIVISION 3 entitled “ILLUMINATION STANDARDS” for internal consistency.

17. Non-Consent Agenda - Resolutions

17.1 1046-2023 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Emery Construction Group, Inc. for Project #1420, 2023 Sidewalk Program, for an amount of $611,149.00.

17.2 1047-2023 A Resolution authorizing the Fleet and Facilities Manager to purchase an electric riding auto scrubber from Great Western Supply Co., in Davenport, Iowa, for the amount of $20,277.89.

18. Non-Consent Agenda - First Reading Ordinances

18.1 3007-2023 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 10 thereof, “PARKING PROHIBITED AT ANY TIME,” by amending the following locations: Removing Twelfth Avenue, on both sides, between Nineteenth Street and Thirty-first Street; removing Twelfth Avenue, on both sides, from Thirty-third Street to a distance of 100 feet east of Thirty-fourth Street; removing Twelfth Avenue, on both sides, from Thirty-sixth Street Court to the East Moline border; and adding Twelfth Avenue, on both sides, between Nineteenth Street and the East Moline border.

18.2 3008-2023 An Ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for a Cannabis Dispensary (Bolden Investments I, LLC – 4301 44th Avenue).

18.3 3009-2023 An Ordinance amending Chapter 24, “PERSONNEL,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 24-3207, Appendix 1, by adding a job description for Accounting Manager.

18.4 3010-2023 An Ordinance amending Chapter 24, “PERSONNEL,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 24-3207, Appendix 1, by adding a job description for Management Analyst/Grant Coordinator.

18.5 3011-2023 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 35, Chapter 35, “ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, by enacting an amendment to the Zoning Map, incorporated therein as Section 35-3103 (918 and 922 4th Avenue).

18.6 3012-2023 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 35, “ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances regarding electric vehicle supply equipment, including amendments to ARTICLE 1, DIVISION 2, Section 35-1203, “Definitions;” ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 4, Section 35-3401, “REGULATION OF ALLOWED USES;” Table 35-3401.1, “Permitted Land Uses;” Section 35-3408, “PRINCIPAL COMMERCIAL LAND USES;” Section 35-3411, “ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL LAND USES;” Section 35-3414, “ACCESSORY COMMERCIAL USES;” and ARTICLE 5, DIVISION 1, Section 35-5100, “OFF-STREET PARKING AND TRAFFIC CIRCULATION STANDARDS.”

19. Miscellaneous Business

20. Public Comment

21. Executive Session (if necessary)

22. Adjournment of City Council
