City of Rock Island Board of Zoning Appeals met Aug. 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Gary Snyder
Nicole Parker
Kevin Day
Donald Mewes
Bill Sowards
Tanja Whitten
Pandora Lawrence
2. Public Comment
3. Opening Items
A. Approval of the Written Agenda for August 9, 2023
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the written agenda for August 9, 2023
B. Approval of the July 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Recommended Motion: Move to approve the meeting minutes for July 12, 2023.
4. Old Business
A. 2023-15 Public Hearing: Bradford Hill of 4016 7th Avenue – Variance to allow an accessory structure in the front yard, variance of 16 feet of the 20 foot setback for a structure in the front yard, and a variance of 5 feet, 10 inches of the 6 foot setback between the pool and the deck of the house.
Recommended Motion: Move to deny the variances
5. New Business
A. 2023-16 Public Hearing: Raheem Flowers of 4500 27th Avenue - to allow a six (6) foot fence in the front yard, which is two (2) feet over the maximum allowed height of four (4) feet.
Recommended Motion: Move to deny the variance
6. Other Business
A. Discussion on the consolidation of Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals
7. Adjournment:
Recommended Motion: Move to adjourn.