City of Aledo City Council met September 5.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Consent Agenda: (Note: Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be acted upon by one motion and one vote. If separate action on any particular item is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.)
A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 07, 2023.
B. Approval of Finance: Invoice Listing – AP15.
C. Approving the Appointment of Alex Robertson to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Commission with a term expiration of April, 2025.
V. Public Comment: (Note: Each Speaker shall confine comments to five (5) minutes or less, restrict remarks to matters relevant to the governance of the City, avoid repetitious statements and refrain from vulgar or otherwise inappropriate language or references.
VI. Action Items:
A. Ordinance No. 20, Series of 2023; Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2024 (SE 2nd Avenue Improvements) of the City of Aledo, Mercer County, Illinois, in an Aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed $4,000,000. (First Reading)
B. Resolution No. 20R, Series of 2023; Approving Sale of 709-713 SW 3rd Street.
C. Resolution No. 21R, Series of 2023; Approving Sale of 706 NW 5th Avenue.
D. Resolution No. 22R, Series of 2023; Approving an Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Lot 2 in Eagle Point Subdivision.
E. Resolution No. 23R, Series of 2023; Approving Funding for City of COP Aledo Safe Routes to School Grant Application.
VII. Old Business:
A. Discussion regarding Residential Solid Waste / Recycling Request for Proposal.
VIII. New Business: (For Discussion only)
A. Discussion regarding the 2024 Aledo 4th of July Fireworks Display.
IX. Closed Session: Council to meet in closed session to discuss:
X. Reconvene in Open Session:
XI. Adjournment