
Rock Island Today

Friday, March 14, 2025

City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Feb. 5

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City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline Mayor Reggie Freeman | City of East Moline

City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Feb. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed the Acting City Clerk Kathryn Motzer to call the roll. The following Alderpersons were present: The following Alderpersons were present: Olivia Dorothy, Jeffrey Deppe, Nancy Mulcahey, Adam Guthrie, Lynn Segura, and Jose Rico. Absent: Rhea Oakes 6:58 p.m.



PSA -Wastewater Facility Planning (Tim Kammler, Director of Engineering)

The East Moline Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is an aging facility that is beginning to require time consuming and costly repairs. The city has been without a WWTP Director since last Fall. East Moline WWTP staff - in combination with City of Moline assistance - have been managing to keep the facility in operation.

Due to the age and condition of a good portion of the existing sewer plant, staff is recommending that the city undertake a comprehensive examination of this facility and compile an IEPA Project Plan (Facility Plan). This will enable the needs at the plant to be identified and prioritized, in addition to meeting the new regulatory requirements for phosphorus. The desired deliverable is a Master Facility Plan that will provide the city with a road map for necessary and cost-effective WWTP upgrades that fit into the city’s budgetary needs. A Facility Plan will also allow the city to aggressively pursue low interest loan financing via IEPA’s Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund program.

Staff is recommending the city engage the services of a well-qualified engineering firm to perform this work which would include evaluation of the facility as-a-whole, recommendations for repairs and improvements, and integration of findings and costing into an overall plan. The city retained Strand & Associates, Inc. in Fall 2023 to assist with a planning project to meet more restrictive regulations for phosphorus. Additionally, staff have retained Strand for on-call services to assist in reviewing some of the larger maintenance and repair items that may impact (or be impacted) by future improvements.

Based on conversations with our own WWTP staff and with Moline WWTP officials, Strand has performed admirably and has significant experience in sewer treatment planning & design. Having been working on the phosphorus study, Strand also has a good understanding of the current conditions and concerns at the plant as well as the requirements prescribed by the city's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the WWTP effluent discharge into the Mississippi River.

A proposal has been obtained from Strand & Associates, Inc. (attached) to perform the inspection, evaluation, and compilation of a Facility Plan. Please refer to the detailed scope of services outlined in this document. Pending approval, initial assessment and evaluation would begin in February, technical memos with findings and recommendations provided April through June, and formal presentation and recommendations to City Council in September/October (pre-budget).

Funding would be from sewer fund reserves as this was not a project programmed in the 2024 budget.


Line Item #

Line-Item Title


Amount Budgeted

Available Funds Amount


Sewer Utility Fund Balance


Sewer Utility




TOTALS Totals $3,709,742.00 $120,100.00 RECOMMENDATION/REQUESTED ACTION: Approve Strand contract for WWTP Facility Plan

A motion was made by Alderperson Rico, seconded by Alderperson Dorothy to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

Engineering Services for Water System Master Plan (Brianna Huber, Director of Water Filtration)

A water system master plan is a holistic and forward-thinking strategy that outlines the long-term vision and actions necessary to manage a community's water resources. It serves as a roadmap for asset owners and utilities to ensure the sustainable use and protection of water sources. An initial water system master plan is typically completed, with updates performed every 5-10 years as needed.

East Moline has never completed a comprehensive water system master plan, but creating such a plan was identified in the City's recent strategic goal setting session as a priority goal. The water system master plan will provide the City with a full understanding of the current condition of our water system assets, a water production asset management plan, a water distribution asset management plan, an operations review including staffing review, a technology plan, a 30 year capital improvement plan for current facilities, as well as an alternative opinion of probable cost to construct a new water treatment plant.

Qualifications-based proposals were sought, and the City received proposals from two firms. Both firms have extensive experience in creating water system master plans and staffing with the appropriate experience. Strand Associates exhibited exemplary understanding of the needs of the City for this water system master plan, and therefore staff recommends selecting Strand Associates to complete the plan.


Line Item #

Line-Item Title


Amount Budgeted

Available Funds

Amount Requested

Water Utility Fund Balance


Water Utility




TOTALS Totals $2,321,752.00 $280,444.00 If this is a CIP Project, identify project number: 200-24-006, 200-20-008


A motion was made by Alderperson Rico, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

Hydraulic Modeling Engineering Services (Brianna Huber, Water Treatment Plant Director)

Hydraulic models are mathematical models of a fluid flow system such as a water system. Hydraulic models illustrate the effects of changing demand and climactic conditions on water distribution systems – predicting pressures and identifying bottlenecks - and demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed solutions. By testing different alternatives and using the existing system to full advantage, hydraulic models help utilities minimize the cost of improvements.

East Moline does not have a hydraulic model of its distribution system. A model is necessary to evaluate how potable water flow can be increased from Moline to East Moline to support alternative water supply during the clearwell project repair.

Qualifications based proposals were sought and the City received proposals from two firms. Both firms have extensive experience in creating hydraulic models and staffing with the appropriate experience. Stand Associates exhibited exemplary understanding of the needs of the City for this project, as well as the ability to complete the project slightly faster than the other firm. Expediency is important, as we work to complete the steps necessary to get the clearwell repair project completed. Therefore staff recommend selecting Strand Associates to complete the hydraulic model.

This project was not budgeted. Staff recommended using water utility cash reserve funds to pay for this project. However, should engineering have additional funds left over from other 2024 projects, those additional funds may be used to offset the amount of money taken out of the reserve fund for this project.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Budgeted Item - $40,000

Line Item #

Line-Item Title


Amount Budgeted

Available Funds

Amount Requested

Water Utility Fund Balance


Water Utility








A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Deppe to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

Plan Review of RAISE Grant Design Plans by Railroad (Tim Kammler, Director of Engineering)

As part of the Greater Downtown Streetscaping Project (RAISE Grant), the BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) requires review of the design of proposed improvements within railroad right of way by their in house engineers and third party consultants. Current elements in this regard include a new multi-use trail with pedestrian crossing signals on 7th Street, traffic signal preemption review of the 7th/12th St., 7th/15th St., and 3rd/12th St. Intersections, and minor roadway widening/ADA improvements at 3rd street that require railroad crossing surface and signal modifications.

BNSF has provided the city with a draft agreement through which the city would pay the railroad for the actual cost of design review. While it is always an eye-opener, local agencies paying for railroad engineering review is a long-standing practice. $14,400 of MFT funding was budgeted for this purpose. As the estimated fee on the agreement is $43,796, staff reviewed additional funding sources, out of which the the EM Glass, Downtown and Port of Call TIFs were recommended.

To keep the RAISE project moving forward, staff recommend approval of BNSF's Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement.

It should be noted that railroad review fees were not included in the city's engineering contract with CMT for planning and design.


Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with BNSF Railroad.

A motion was made by Alderperson Rico, seconded by Alderperson Deppe to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

2024 Pavement Marking Program (Tim Kammler, Director of Engineering) In order to maintain safe traffic movement on City streets, pavement markings must be refreshed on a regular basis. It is desirable for the pavement marking program to refresh markings on major streets and intersections on a two-year rotation; some areas need to be refreshed more often such as school crosswalks and turn lanes. East Moline’s pavement marking program has been a routine and necessary project for many years. Design and oversight is performed by staff.

The City of Moline conducted a public bid letting for their city-wide pavement marking program January 23 with the low bidder being Ostrom, Inc. (Rock Island, IL); the bid tabulation from this letting is attached. Ostrom is willing to accommodate East Moline's pavement marking program at the same unit pricing as bid for the City of Moline (letter with pricing attached). As bid prices are unlikely to go down as the year progresses, staff recommend East Moline take advantage of this opportunity as we often have in years past. Illinois statute (65 ILCS 5/8-9-1) provides that a municipality may award a public improvement project without bid letting by approval of two-thirds of council members holding office.

Standard bonds and insurance would be required of the contractor.

Based upon staff's estimated quantities at Moline's unit pricing, our cost is currently estimated at approximately $50,000k; the final project cost will be dependent upon field-measured quantities.


Line Item #

Line-Item Title


Amount Budgeted

Available Funds

Amount Requested


Street Marking









RECOMMENDATION/REQUESTED ACTION: Award 2024 Pavement Marking to Ostrom.

A motion was made by Alderperson Deppe, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

2024 Pavement Marking Program (Tim Kammler, Director of Engineering) In order to maintain safe traffic movement on City streets, pavement markings must be refreshed on a regular basis. It is desirable for the pavement marking program to refresh markings on major streets and intersections on a two-year rotation; some areas need to be refreshed more often such as school crosswalks and turn lanes. East Moline’s pavement marking program has been a routine and necessary project for many years. Design and oversight is performed by staff.

The City of Moline conducted a public bid letting for their city-wide pavement marking program January 23 with the low bidder being Ostrom, Inc. (Rock Island, IL); the bid tabulation from this letting is attached. Ostrom is willing to accommodate East Moline's pavement marking program at the same unit pricing as bid for the City of Moline (letter with pricing attached). As bid prices are unlikely to go down as the year progresses, staff recommend East Moline take advantage of this opportunity as we often have in years past.

Illinois statute (65 ILCS 5/8-9-1) provides that a municipality may award a public improvement project without bid letting by approval of two-thirds of council members holding office.

Standard bonds and insurance would be required of the contractor.

Based upon staff's estimated quantities at Moline's unit pricing, our cost is currently estimated at approximately $50,000k; the final project cost will be dependent upon field-measured quantities.


Line Item #

Line-Item Title


Amount Budgeted

Available Funds

Amount Requested


Street Marking









RECOMMENDATION/REQUESTED ACTION: Award 2024 Pavement Marking to Ostrom.

A motion was made by Alderperson Deppe, seconded by Alderperson Guthrie to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

4th Street A Watermain and Roadway Improvements (Tim Kammler, Director of Engineering)

At the direction of the City Council, plans and specifications have been prepared by Shive- Hattery, Inc. for bidding and construction of this project. Proposed improvements would include replacement of water main piping, cross-connections, valves, and hydrants. The street will be cut and patched as required for construction. New pipe would be C900 PVC as opposed to ductile iron. Additionally, per the new IEPA mandate, lead service pipes encountered will be replaced from main to the building structure. Once the underground work is complete, the roadway will be resurfaced with hot-mix asphalt.

An exhibit showing the location of the proposed construction is attached.

Complete plans, specifications and bidding documents are available for review at the East Moline Engineering & Maintenance Building. A tentative bid letting date has been scheduled for February 27, 2024. Pending COW approval, the bid letting will be formally advertised and conducted. Staff will provide a bid tabulation and recommendation for award of contract to the City Council, pending reasonable bid prices.


Line Item #Line Item TitleDepartmentAmount BudgetedAvailable FundsAmount Requested


Water CIP








RECOMMENDATION/REQUESTED ACTION: Approve plans and specifications for bidding.

A motion was made by Alderperson Segura, seconded by Alderperson Mulcahey to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

Purchase of new vehicle for Building Inspections (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) The City's Health Inspectors are in need of a vehicle for use in daily operations.

The Building Inspections Department can transfer one of their SUV vehicles to the Health Department and in turn, will need a vehicle for its day to day operations, which will help with:

1. Job sites that are not poured or graded; the current SUVs have a hard time getting to sites safely at times;

2. Carrying a ladder to access roof and overhead service inspections, as needed; and

3. Loading supplies or materials for special events.

Staff sought quotes for vehicles from local dealers (Kunes Auto Group and Green Buick GMC) and found the following vehicles that would be suitable for operations:

Kunes: Used Ford F-150 50,375 miles $31,686 (quote and specs attached) Green: Used Chevy Silverado 48,222 miles $34,055 (quote and specs attached)

Staff is recommending to purchase the used Ford F-150 from Kunes Auto Group. Funds through Motor Pool/Vehicle Replacement Fund reserves.


Line Item #

Line-Item Title


Amount Budgeted

Available Funds

Amount Requested



Vehicle Replacement Fund







A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Segura to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

Approve Plan Creation and Setting the Date for Public Hearing for Business District (Mark Rothert, City Administrator)

Based on an assumption to move forward with the Business Development District (BDD), the following is a timeline in its assessment and creation:

A step in that process is to support the creation of a BDD plan and a defined area, as well as, set a date for a public hearing, tentatively scheduled for March 18, 2024 at 6:30pm, during the City Council meeting held that night.

The BDD Plan will analyze properties in the BDD area and identify possible improvements or investment. The public hearing process will be another opportunity for the public to provide input on the creation of the BDD. Staff recommends approval.


A motion was made by Alderperson Guthrie, seconded by Alderperson Segura to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

Cost of Living Adjustment for non-union employees (Mark Rothert, City Administrator) The City Administrator recommends implementing a 3% increase to non-union employee salaries, retroactive to January 1, 2024. This increase is commensurate with the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) as reported by US Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Midwest (East North Central Division) geographical area, as well as, collective bargaining agreements currently in place with the City (see chart below).

The collective bargaining agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police is currently scheduled to go to mediation in the coming months and therefore not yet settled.

The non-union COLA increase has already been factored into the FY24 budget, so a budget amendment on salaries will not be necessary.


A motion was made by Alderperson Dorothy, seconded by Alderperson Deppe to concur with the recommendation as presented. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Dorothy, Deppe, Mulcahey, Guthrie, Segura, and Rico. Motion carried.

Mayor Freeman informed the City Council that mediation will start March 4, 2024 with Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).


A motion was made by Alderperson Rico, seconded by Alderperson Dorothy to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. A voice vote was taken. Motion carried. 7:46 p.m.




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