
Rock Island Today

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Rock Island County Governance, Health, and Administration Committee met July 8

Webp 9

Richard Morthland (R), Board Member - District 1 | Rock Island County

Richard Morthland (R), Board Member - District 1 | Rock Island County

Rock Island County Governance, Health, and Administration Committee met July 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chairwoman Enburg called the Governance, Health & Administration to order at 10:00am

1. Roll Call: Carla Enburg, Melissa Moreno-Baker, Porter McNeil, Drue Mielke, Johnnie Woods, Richard Brunk.

Absent: Enyo Dewith

Also present: Jim Grafton, Jim Nelson, Nick Camlin, Taylor Louscher, Tammy Weikert, Bridget Edgeworth, Derrick Hendrickx, Nick Camlin, Kurt Davis, April Palmer, Jared VanTieghem, Patty Castro

2. Public Comment: None

3. Approval of the minutes from June 10th Governance, Health & Administration meeting

Motion to approve: Drue Mielke Second: Porter McNeil voice vote

Motion carried

4. Reports to Committee

County Clerk Karen K. Kinney gave the report on vital records report

County Circuit Clerk Tammy Weikert gave a report on training and staff.

Taylor Louscher of the U of I Extension services gave a report and update on upcoming events.

Nick Camlin gave a brief update on the Treasurers reports.

Motion to approve the reports: Johnnie Woods Second: Porter McNeil voice vote

Motion carried

5. Consider ordinance 2024-07-A Establishing fees for Class H & I liquor licenses.

Motion to approve: Drue Mielke Second: Melissa Moreno-Baker

voice vote

Motion carried

6. Closed Session: None

No action from Closed Session

No Review of pending/proposed state legislation & policy affecting Rock Island County

No Committee Comment


Motion to approve: Drue Mielke Second: Porter McNeil

voice vote

Motion carried

The Governance, Health & Administration meeting adjourned at 10:21am
