
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Lewistown City Council met Aug. 27

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Welcome to Lewistown sign | City of Lewistown / Facebook

Welcome to Lewistown sign | City of Lewistown / Facebook

City of Lewistown City Council met Aug. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


The Lewistown Liquor Commission met in the council chambers at 6:30 p.m. 

COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Douglas Lafary (Commissioner), Kevin Delmastro, Linda Helle, John Spotloe, Sally Clark. Absent were Kevin Delmastro (arrived to late), John Spotloe and Linda Helle (arrived to late). 

BUSINESS TO DISCUSS: Liquor License for Javier Gonzalez for new Mexican restaurant “Mi Mexico Lindo, LLC" 

Declared No quorum. 


The Lewistown City Council met in regular session in the council chambers. Mayor Douglas Lafary called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Invocation: Pastor Walmsley 

ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Alderperson Sally Clark, Jim Long, Brad Ward, Kendall Miller, David Levingston, and Mayor Doug Lafary. Also present: City Clerk Cindy Goddard, City Treasurer Debby Brown, Administrative Assistant Levi Peitzmeier, Public Works Director Evinn Palmer, Police Chief Chris Ford and City Attorney Nathan Collins. ABSENT: Alderperson John Spotloe 



Alderperson Clark made a motion to approve the minutes of August 13, 2024, second by Alderperson Long, the motion carried all ayes. 

Report- Nothing at this time. 

TREASURER'S REPORT: Debbie Brown. Nothing 

ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Nathan Collins. Nothing 

ENGINEER'S REPORT: Keith Plavec. The last item needed has been sent for the grant for water. 



Finance/Insurance/Zoning - Alderperson Clark: Nothing to report. 

Sewer - Alderperson Spotloe: Absent. 

Streets & Allies - Alderperson Levingston: Evinn Public Works Director wants to get a Light Plant, need it for water breaks at night. A used 2015 is has 1800 hours on it with the price $3,900.00, and a new one is $12,800.00. 

Police/ESDA – Alderperson Ward: Later in meeting. 

Water - Alderperson Miller: Nothing at this time. 

Utilities/Publications - Alderperson Long: Nothing. 

Public Buildings & Grounds - Alderperson Long: New safety rails are up at the park on the food shed. Received call from citizen that people in line receiving free food at Fair Grounds are blocking drive ways. Alderperson Miller will say something or put up signs. 

Tourism - Alderperson Miller - Mapping has had 2 meetings next one is tomorrow night from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Met with Pedigo Electric again he said the wiring is too small. If another box is put in park on North side there should be enough power, this would create another meter box monthly charge, and estimate is $22,000.00. Now have a bid from Wickert Electric, waiting on one from Spoon River Electric. Can't get an estimate from Spoon River Electric when an estimate price has already been said. Discussed whether to wait for more bids. 

Tax Increment Financing -- Alderperson Spotloe: Absent. 

Citizens Committee - Amanda Sutphen not present. 3 to 4 weeks grant money should be here $200,000.00 

Christmas Committee - Kenny Haacke The meeting is the 9th of September at City Hall, Visitors Center is occupied. People need to make sure they have outdoor lights and led. Everyone welcome to come to meeting to help. 

Economic Development Committee - Erin Ahart - Mapping group is between 30 and 40 people. Binder is at City Hall for anyone to look at. Two meetings left. Erin was wondering about website why not done yet? Michelle Spiva then spoke. Two grants available thru Fulton County open till Sept 30. An amount for the grants is between $2,500 to $50,000.00. Economic Development grant for any business in town. New employee Jenny with Spoon River Economic Development is who we call for help now. 

WORKS DIRECTOR'S REPORT - Evinn Palmer Director - Have been fixing holes. 

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: No unfinished business. 


1. Discuss/Act Upon Liquor License Application from Javier Gonzalez for Mexican Restaurant "Mi Mexico Lindo, LLC” – Application incomplete and not enough members. Tabled at this time. 

2. Discuss/Act Upon Resolution 2024-2 for Lewistown Homecoming Parade September 27, 2024 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Motion by Alderperson Miller to approve the Resolution 2024-2 for the Lewistown Homecoming Parade, second by Alderperson Clark, all in favor, motion carried. 

3. Discuss/Act Upon Engineering Agreement with Mauer Stutz for Lead Service-Line Removal Planning Study - Keith Plavec said it was placed in budget already, will have to fund some how. It will cost over a million dollars to replace the lead lines. Need to try to get debt forgiveness loan for this. Each line replacement is between $8,000.00 to $10,000.00, from meter to curb box or tap on water main. Budgeted amount was $11,000.00 for the agreement for planning report and loan application for funding. The loan application is due March 31, 2025 if ready with all information needed we have a better chance of getting the loan. So sooner we get it in the better. Replacement of the lead lines is not required till 2026. Alderperson Ward made a motion to approve the Engineering Agreement with Mauer Stutz for the Lead Service-Line Removal Planning study, second by Alderperson Long, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes. 

4. Discuss/Act Upon Hiring Collin Vanmeter for the Lewistown Police Department - Chief interviewed him already, needs to go to academy that is in November. Motion to hire Collin Vanmeter for the Lewistown Police Department by Alderperson Ward, second by Alderperson Long, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes. 

5. Discuss/Act upon T. Snyder's year-in-service pay bump - Has been here one year now, 120 calls for the month of August, burglary's are down. Chief Ford wants $1.50 an hour pay increase for him. Need to have a committee meeting regarding this. Police meeting will be scheduled before Council meeting in September. 


Alderperson Long made a motion to approve all bills properly endorsed; Seconded by Alderperson Clark roll call vote, the motion carried with all ayes. 

CLOSED SESSION: No closed session 


Alderperson Miller made a motion to adjourn at 7:10 p.m.; motion carried all ayes. 
