Bob Vitas, City Administrator | City of Moline
Bob Vitas, City Administrator | City of Moline
City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met Jan. 7.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order
PRESENT: Mayor Sangeetha Rayapati (Chair)
Alderperson Debbie Murphy (Ward 1)
Alderperson Alvaro Macias (Ward 2)
Alderperson Abdur Razzaque (Ward 3)
Alderperson Matt Timion (Ward 4)
Alderperson Daniel McNeil (Ward 6)
Alderperson Anna Castro (Ward 7)
Alderperson James Patrick Schmidt (Alderperson At-Large)
ABSENT: Alderperson Jessica Finch (Ward 5)
STAFF: Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator
Stephanie Murphy, City Clerk
David Dryer, Director of Engineering ~electronically
Chris Mathias, Director of Community & Economic Development
Jennifer Bizarri, Assistant Director of Community & Economic Development Bryon Lear, Director of Library Services ~electronically
Charly Brown, Interim Director of Utilities
Denver Schmitt, Director of Public Works
Leah Madsen, Director of Human Resources
Darren Gault, Chief of Police
Steve Regenwether, Fire Chief
David Rowatt, Information Technology Manager
Dawn Temple, Management Analyst and Grant Coordinator
Ashley Allen, Community Engagement Manager
OTHERS: Margaret Kostopulos, Corporation Counsel
Dick Potter, Moline Pollinator Preservation Committee
Grace Kinnicutt, Dispatch/Argus
Mayor Rayapati called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.
Roll Call
Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Finch.
January 7, 2025
Oath of Office
Oath of Office for regular commissioned appointment as Police Officer to Kyle Yeater, effective December 11, 2024.
Oath of Office for promotion of Engineer Brandon Tomlin to Lieutenant effective January 1, 2025.
Oath of Office for appointment of Training Officer Jerry Sottos to Deputy Chief of EMS effective January 13, 2025.
Board Appointments
Mayor’s reappointment of Silas Inskeep to the Special Service Area 5 Board for a 2-year term to expire January 1, 2027.
Mayor’s reappointment of John Miller to the Special Service Area 5 Board for a 2-year term to expire January 1, 2027.
Mayor’s reappointment of Diana Haubenstricker to the Special Service Area 5 Board for a 2-year term to expire January 1, 2027.
Mayor’s reappointment of Mike Wennekamp to the Special Service Area 5 Board for a 2-year term to expire January 1, 2027.
6.1 A Proclamation from the Iowa Network Against Human Trafficking and Braking Traffic to declare January 2025, as “Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.” Maggie Tinsman, Secretary of the Iowa Network Against Human Trafficking, extended her appreciation to the Council for its instrumental role in advancing the passage of the proclamation to designate January as Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
6.2 A Proclamation to declare January 9, 2025, as “National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.” Andrew Raya, Deputy Chief of Police, accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Moline Police Department.
Public Comment
Joyce Erickson requested that seniors who visit the Moline Activity Center be allowed to park their vehicles for short activity periods in the parking lot that adjoins the new City Services Center and the Moline Activity Center located at 620 18th Street for 45 minutes without warnings or tickets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Questions on the Agenda
Agenda Items
9.1 A Resolution designating the City of Moline, Illinois, as a BEE CITY USA® affiliate. Kelly Nache, member of Moline Pollinator Preservation Committee, presented an overview of Bee City USA ®. Nache shared the Bee City Requirements, noting that the committee will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements. Dick Potter and Dawn Temple, committee members, were also present.
A motion was made by Alderperson Schmidt to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Discussion held. Motion passed unanimously.
9.2 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Economic Development and Business Growth Partnership Agreement between Grow Quad Cities and the Quad Cities Region. Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, shared this is created by leadership of Quad Cities Chamber. Grow Quad Cities is an economic development initiative created by leadership of the Quad Cities Chamber. The goal is to enhance economic development activities through the Illinois counties of Henry, Mercer, and Rock Island and Iowa counties of Clinton, Muscatine and Scott.
A motion was made by Alderperson Razzaque to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Timion. Discussion held. Motion passed unanimously.
9.3 An Ordinance amending Chapter 3, “SIGNS AND ADVERTISING,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, regarding certain corrections and/or clarifications to the sign regulations, including text amendments to various Sections in ARTICLE II, “SIGNS,” and amending Chapter 35, “ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, regarding certain corrections and/or clarifications to the zoning and land development regulations, including text amendments to ARTICLE I, “GENERAL PROVISIONS AND ADMINISTRATION”; ARTICLE II, “DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND PROCEDURES”; ARTICLE III, “ZONING”; and ARTICLE V, “SITE IMPROVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.” Chris Mathias, Director of Community and Economic Development, reported that the changes being presented are part of an annual review of zoning codes that are used to regulate development. The items being addressed are typos or addressing inconsistencies in the Code. Mathias presented an overview of the bigger amendments with Council.
A motion was made by Alderperson Timion to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Macias. Discussion held. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Alderperson Timion, seconded by Alderperson Schmidt, to amended Table 35- 5100.3 – Minimum Required Parking Spaces, to change the required number of parking stalls for residential land uses for manufactured home and mobile home/mobile home park from 3 to 2 per unit. Discussion held. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
A motion was made by Alderperson Timion, seconded by Alderperson McNeil, to amend Table 35-5100.3 – Minimum Required Parking Spaces, and remove all parking minimums for commercial land use. Discussion held.
A motion was made by Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Timion, to amend Table 35.5100.3 – Minimum Required Parking Spaces, to remove parking minimums for commercial land use with the exceptions of lodging, entertainment indoor, entertainment outdoor, and entertainment adult. Discussion held. Motion passed by voice vote.
The original motion as amended passed unanimously by voice vote.
10.1 January 2025 Status and Information Report. Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, shared highlights of the status and information report including the completion of bike path sections on 19th Street and the Mississippi River Trail, street reconstruction of 38th Street and 48th Street, some State mandated staff training was completed, the library gardens are substantially complete and there will be an open house in the spring, and traffic signals at 36th and 16th and 32nd and 41st have been updated.
Adjournment of the Committee-of-the-Whole and Council Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
There was no invocation.
Roll Call
Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Finch.
Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes and Appointments
Council meeting minutes of December 10, 2025, Committee-of-the-Whole, Council, and Executive Session meeting minutes of December 17, 2025, and appointments made at Committee-of-the-Whole on January 7, 2025.
Second Reading Ordinances
16.1 3001-2025 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 5 thereof, “ALL-WAY STOP INTERSECTIONS,” by adding the intersection of Eighteenth Street and Fifth Avenue.
16.2 3002-2025 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 10 thereof, “PARKING PROHIBITED AT ANY TIME,” by removing “Sixth Avenue, on the south side, beginning at a point 110 feet east of 53rd Street, continuing east for 60 feet,” and adding “Sixth Avenue, on the south side, for 15 feet east and west of the centerline of the 53rd Street Drive intersection.”
16.3 3003-2025 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, APPENDIX 14, “FIFTEEN-MINUTE PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN NONMETERED ZONES,” to include 1509 15th Street, one on-street stall; and amending Section 20-5109, “PARKING TIME LIMITS/RESTRICTIONS ESTABLISHED,” by repealing subsection (c)(4) in its entirety and enacting in lieu thereof one new subsection (c)(4) dealing with the same subject matter.
17.1 1001-2025 A Resolution approving an Honorary Street Designation in honor of Daniel Gordon and authorizing the Director of Public Works to effectuate the fabrication and installation of said sign.
17.2 1002-2025 A Resolution approving an Honorary Street Designation in honor of Robert Vogelbaugh (Mr. Thanksgiving) and authorizing the Director of Public Works to effectuate the fabrication and installation of said sign.
17.3 1003-2025 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a First Amendment to Program Funding Agreement between the City of Moline and the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the acceptance of $345,000.00 in additional grant funding, and to do all things necessary texecute all assurances and certifications to the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the Homeowner Assistance Fund Home Repair Program (HAFHR); and authorizing the Community and Economic Development Department to begin work upon execution of the First Amendment to Program Funding Agreement for additional program funding between the City of Moline and the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the Homeowner Assistance Fund Home Repair Program, and to do all things necessary to implement said program requirements.
17.4 1004-2025 A Resolution authorizing the Community and Economic Development Department, on behalf of the City of Moline, to apply to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for a Certified Local Government (CLG) 70%/30% Matching Grant for the amount of $15,000.00 with a local match of $4,500.00; and authorizing City staff to do any and all things necessary to apply for the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Certified Local Government (CLG) 70%/30% Matching Grant.
17.5 1005-2025 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between and among Bi-State Regional Commission and the Governments of Moline, East Moline, Milan, Rock Island, Silvis, and Rock Island County for services related to holding and administering a consultant contract for the preparation of an Enterprise Zone application with Moran Economic Development.
17.6 1006-2025 A Resolution approving certain contracts for the purchase of treatment chemicals to be used by the Utilities Department for the calendar year 2025 as tentatively awarded through the Bi-State Regional Commission (BSRC) and authorizing the Interim Director of Utilities to execute any and all necessary documents for purchase of said treatment chemicals in the quantities needed for calendar year 2025.
17.7 1007-2025 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding to establish the agreement between and among the Iowa Department of Transportation, the Illinois Department of Transportation, the City of Bettendorf, and the City of Moline (collectively, the “Parties”) concerning the installation and maintenance of removable bollards on the approaches to the multi-use path of the I-74 bridge.
Omnibus Vote
Alderperson Timion, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve and adopt, by omnibus vote, these items. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Schmidt, Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, and Castro; nays: none.
Non-Consent Agenda
19.1 1008-2025 A Resolution approving the quotation from Elliott Equipment Co. for the purchase of one (1) 2025 Battle Motor LET2, tandem axle chassis with 25 cubic yard New Way Cobra Magnum rear loader utilizing Sourcewell Contract #091219-NWY, for the amount of $294,800; and authorizing the Assistant Director of Public Works to execute any necessary documents related to this purchase.
Approved. Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Macias, moved to approve Council Bill 1008- 2025. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Schmidt, Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, and Castro nays: none.
19.2 1009-2025 A Resolution approving the quotation and proposal with Faster Asset Solutions to provide web-based fleet management software in accordance with the General Services Administration (GSA) contract #47QTCA23D0054 for a term of five (5) years beginning in 2025 and authorizing the Assistant Director of Public Works to execute any necessary documents and do all things necessary to implement said transition.
Approved. Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve Council Bill 1009- 2025. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Schmidt, Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, and Castro nays: none.
First Reading Ordinances
20.1 An Ordinance amending Chapter 2, “ADMINISTRATION,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 2-2200, “DAYS, TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS; ADJOURNED MEETINGS,” by enacting one new subsection (e)(1)(b)(4) concerning unexpected childcare obligations.
Advanced. Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to advance Item #20.1 to second reading. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Schmidt, Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, and Castro; nays: none.
20.2 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 4 thereof, “THREE-WAY STOP INTERSECTIONS,” by removing the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Fifty-third Street, south branch; and amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 5 thereof, “ALL-WAY STOP INTERSECTIONS,” by adding the intersection of Fifty-Third Street and Fifth Avenue, south branch.
Advanced. Alderperson Timion, seconded by Alderperson Razzaque, moved to advance Item #20.2 to second reading. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Schmidt, Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, and Castro; nays: none.
20.3 An Ordinance amending Chapter 22, “OFFENSES-MISCELLANEOUS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 22-1105, “TOBACCO PRODUCTS, TOBACCO ACCESSORIES, SMOKING HERBS AND ALTERNATIVE NICOTINE PRODUCTS,” regarding tobacco dealer’s licenses to create three categories of tobacco dealer’s licenses and to impose a temporary moratorium on the issuance of new licenses for Class A, as defined herein.
Advanced. Alderperson Macias, seconded by Alderperson Timion, moved to advance Item #20.3 to second reading. Margaret Kostopulos, Corporation Counsel, reported that in Section 22-1105(b)(2)(i) Clerk Murphy discovered a scrivener’s error in the number of Class B licenses. When the item appeared on the Committee-of-the-Whole agenda, the Council Bill was attached to the agenda with Class B capped at 35. Kostopulos noted she did state 36 at the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting and 36 is now reflected in the Council Bill amendments.
Alderperson Timion, seconded by Alderperson McNeil, made a motion to amend the total number of Class C head shop licenses to be issued at any time from 5 to 6.
Kostopulos recommended a motion be made to grandfather in any ongoing or current businesses who are operating legitimately at this time and who will need a Class C tobacco license after approval of thamended ordinance. Discussion held.
Alderperson Timion withdrew his motion.
Alderperson Castro, seconded by Alderperson Schmidt, amended the motion to include grandfathering in any ongoing or current businesses who is operating legitimately at this time but will be required to obtain a Class C tobacco license after approval of the amended ordinance. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Schmidt, Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, and Castro nays: none.
Alderperson Timion, seconded by Alderperson Schmidt, amended the motion to include an expiration of grandfathering of 90 days after passage of the amended ordinance. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Schmidt, Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, and Castro nays: none.
The original motion as amended carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Schmidt, Murphy, Macias, Razzaque, Timion, McNeil, and Castro nays: none.
Miscellaneous Business
Mayor Rayapati shared she is working with Staff on the 2025 State of the City. Planning on the morning of February 3, 2025. More details to come and invitations will be sent to community partners and committees. Mayor will be at the Mayor’s conferences next week.
Alderperson Timion acknowledged passing of former President Jimmy Carter, sharing that his example was a great one for all of us and our children. Thursday, January 9, 2025 is a national day of mourning.
Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, reported in December, 2024 he finished leading a Junior Achievement class at Lincoln Irving Elementary School. Dykhuizen expressed thanks to Administrator Vitas and Council for allowing staff to attend these activities.
Public Comment
There was no additional public comment.
Adjournment of City Council
Upon motion of Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Macias, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled City Council meeting is on January 21, 2025. View recorded meetings at