State Representative Daniel Swanson (IL) | Representative Dan Swanson (R) 71st District
State Representative Daniel Swanson (IL) | Representative Dan Swanson (R) 71st District
Today, opposition was voiced against HB 2827, a bill concerning homeschooling. Families began gathering at the Capitol early in the morning to express their disapproval of the proposed legislation. Estimates suggest that between 3,000 and 4,000 individuals attended the demonstration.
The bill mandates that homeschool and private school students register with their local school or Regional Office of Education (ROE). This requirement could lead to ROE personnel reviewing the curriculum used by these families. Critics argue that this imposes an unfunded mandate on schools and ROEs and infringes on parents' rights to educate their children independently.
It has been reported that approximately 50,000 people have registered in opposition to the bill, compared to about 1,000 supporters. The bill's sponsor intends to file an amendment, indicating it will likely return to the Education Policy Committee for further discussion.