
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

South Moline Township Board of Trustee will meet April 3.


South Moline Township Board of Trustee will meet April 3.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

II. Pledge of Allegiance

Ill. Approval of Prior Meeting,s Minutes

lV. Reports

a. Road Commissioner Report

b. Assessor,s Report

c. clerk,s Report

d. Trustee,s Report

e. Cemetery Report

f. Senior Center Report

g. Youth Report

V. Supervisor,s Report

a. General Assistance Report

b. Approval of Budgets 2018-2019

c. MHS Project Graduation

VI. Unfinished Business

Vll. New Business

VIII. Meetings &Education

a. Next Board Meeting Date:

Monday -April 16, 2018-6:00 PM

South Moline Township - 2521 - 53rd Street, Moline, lL

IX. Approval ofBills by Funds

a_ Town Fund

b. General Town Administration

1. General Town Assessor

2. General Town Senior Center

3. General Town FICA

c. GeneraITown Fund IMRF

d. General Assistance

e. Road & Bridge-General Fund

f. Road & Bridge- IMRF Fund

g. Road&Bridge-FICA

h. Road & Bridge Equipment& Bldg

i. Road&BridgelnsuranceFund

j. Cemetery

X. Public Comments

XI. Adjournment
