
Rock Island Today

Friday, January 24, 2025

Village of Milan Board of Trustees met October‌ ‌19

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Village of Milan Board of Trustees met Oct. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Roll call showed Trustees Jim Flannery, Jay Zimmerman, Harry Stuart, Jerry Wilson and Bruce Stickell were present or by Zoom. Trustee Karen Wilson was absent.


Mayor Dawson led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mayor Dawson asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of October 5th. There being none, he ask for a motion to accept them as presented. Trustee Stickell moved to approve them as presented and Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


Treasurer, Arion Cox presented her report ending September 30, 2020. The General Fund Revenues for the month were $513,300 and the expenses were $385,024. Notable expense was for the QComm 4th quarter requisition of $67,202. Notable revenue was a $40,000 payment of Property Tax and a $10,791 Video Gaming Tax. Sales tax was very good this month at $213,437. Other taxes were $99,944.

Other funds showed Garbage with a surplus of $26,418, Camden Centre had a deficit of -$5,103, TIF funds had surplus funds with the exception of the new TIF IV with a deficit balance of -$1,439.

Water and Sewer Fund for the month had a deficit of -$2,144. Notable expenses were water main repair by Brandt, Utility Equipment installed a Valve and Peerless installed a pump at Well 3, all totaling $60,315.

Administrator Seiver stated there are still four water main breaks to be paid for on November’s payable approval list. He contributed the cause of so many breaks to flushing hydrants the past couple of weeks which causes a burst of pressure on the pressure relief valves.

There being no questions on the treasurer’s report, Trustee Zimmerman moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented and Trustee Stickell seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.


Trustee Zimmerman stated there is one run of Semi-Monthly bills in the amount of $69,098.05 and the one run of Miscellaneous bills in the amount of $38,310.58. He has been through the bills and notes the larger bills were Mid-American Energy, Meritain Health, Millennium Waste, Eriksen Chevrolet and Flex-Pac. These bills account for $43,490.39 of the bills. The Miscellaneous bills were for eye & dental and payment for the lifts for Public Works. These two bills totaled $38,310.

Mayor Dawson stated the bills for approval are fairly low this period. He then asked for a motion on payment approval of the bills.

Trustee Zimmerman moved to approve the payment of the bills in the amount of $69,098.05 and $38,310.58. Trustee Flannery seconded the motion. Roll call votes showed Trustees Zimmerman, Stuart, Jerry Wilson, Stickell and Flannery voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

The bills will be paid from the following accounts:

General 165,012.39

Garbage 4,609.44

Motor Fuel Tax 2,986.76

Camden Centre 534.57

TIF II 26.14

Insurance Reserve 17,201.27

Water/Sewer 17,038.06

TOTAL $ 107,408.63

CONSIDERATION of a Class G-1 Liquor License for Save More (Changed Owner) Administrator Seiver stated the original owner still holds a Class B Liquor License and he has not contacted the village about selling the business. The old liquor license held by him has not been sent or brought in. Mr. Seiver recommends, until we hear from the original owner and license holder, another license should not be issued. Mayor Dawson stated there would be no action on the license this evening.


Administrator Seiver stated last year the village opted to pass an Ordinance to place an optional use tax of 3% on recreational marijuana. This tax began July 1, 2020 and we received the first check for July in the amount of $40,000. He stated he spoke with the business manager of Natures Treatment and he stated he felt sales will increase in the future and we can expect larger amounts of tax for sales. Mr. Seiver stated this tax is on top of the normal 1% tax on medical marijuana and the regular 3% on recreational marijuana we already get.

Trustee Flannery wanted an update on what road projects we have in the budget. Administrator Seiver stated Public Works Superintendent Dave Pannell has the road projects drawn up and you can talk to him.

Mayor Dawson stated the COVID-19 is not letting up and we must stay vigil on wearing masks and social distancing. There has been one employee in each department of QCOMM, Police, and Public Works which has tested positive recently. We are trying to use all preventative measures we can to keep our employees safe. This is a very dangerous disease which is not going away very soon.


Mr. David Krouth stated he is glad the village added the 3% sales tax to recreational marijuana.


There being no further business to come before the Village Board, Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Stickell moved to adjourn the meeting and Trustee Stuart seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
