City of Rock Island Parks and Recreation Board Met March 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
President Fred Dasso called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm.
2. Attendance
Members Present: Fred Dasso, Bill Anderson, Kate Hotle, Moses Robinson, Members Absent: Don Deleu, John McEvoy
Staff Present: John Gripp, Parks Director; Todd Winter, Assistant Director; Kimberly Kruse, Parks Administrative Office Manager
Staff Absent: none
Audience: Mike Foley
3. Move to Item 12B: Mike Foley, New Park Board Appointee
Mr. Anderson moved to go to Item 12B. Mr. Robinson seconded. All voted yes.
Mr. Foley is a lifetime Rock Island resident. A teacher of 36 years, now retired. He lives by Saukie Golf Course and excited to serve on the board. His term starts next month.
4. February Park Board Minutes
Mr. Robinson motion to approve the minutes as written; Mr. Anderson seconded. All voted yes.
5. Thank you’s from WQPT PBS, Sherrard Public Library District, and Child Abuse Council were all recognized.
6. Monthly Report from Finance Department as of January
The budget year starts out in the negative and as facilities open, revenue comes in to offset the balance. The department operates on this revenue as the budget is only approximately 30% tax supported. RIFAC appears to be very upside down due to the Johnson project for updates to the facility. This revenue is currently located in admin to offset. Taxes will not have been received yet. The good news is that the governor has announced a plan for going into Phase 5.
Financials were reported to the board with a summary explanation of changes and discrepancies. There is a two month lag that will ensure that all revenues and expenditures are reported to give a more accurate look at the department financially.
7. Approval of the Bills for the Month of February for $60,330.49.
Mr. Dasso: Aye Mr. Deleu: Absent Mr. McEvoy: Absent Mr. Robinson: Aye Ms. Hotle: Aye Mr. Anderson: Aye
8. Director’s Report and other reports
The mowing contract RFP is in process for review and a recommendation made for next meeting. These are reviewed by the Chief Horticulturist and Director. The main parks are maintained by horticulture staff and the remainder bid out. This helps in the ability to keep up with maintenance where needed instead of chasing grass all season. Sports camps are underway. The recreation team is working on programming. The Vintage Football Game planning is underway for the event in September and will be on the new multi-use field at Douglas Park. New this year will be partnerships with River Music Experience to bring some larger bands to Schwiebert Park as part of their tour passing through. These will be ticketed events with concessions. Whitewater Junction will be getting new cabanas to be available as private rental spaces. Highland Springs First Tee Clubhouse project is going well. It has been decided that the classroom will be in the new clubhouse. Funds are well underway and opportunities to fund the rest will be possible when RIFAC is paid off in 2024. Options are being looked at for the old clubhouse.
There is no opening date set yet with the weather bringing snow and rain this week. The Saukie honor box is doing well though on the nice days. The old carts will be delivered to Highland Springs. The new ones are on back order due to Covid-19.
The program at Blackhawk will be used for the concrete pour as practice.
Seasonals are being brought back for the golf courses and equipment is ready to go. Some snow mold has happened but should go away with the nice weather. A tree company came and harvested 49 white oaks and cut down other trees as well.
Valentines sweetheart deliveries went well with 66 deliveries. It was advertised on Facebook. The underwater egg hunt was held and went well as well. There were lower number but good for safety. A UW grant has been applied for to go towards fitness programming that is hopeful to receive.
Douglas Park upgrades continue. The Greenhouse is full of plants. The garden shelter at Longview Park is being repaired from major snow damage.
9. New Business
Special Event Application: Cronin-Norberg Wedding
Staff recommends approval of the Cronin-Norberg Wedding. It will be a small toast with alcohol and amplified music as Schwiebert. Ms. Hotle motioned. Mr. Anderson seconded. All voted yes.
Special Event Application: Chalk Art Fest
Staff recommends approval of the Chalk Art Fest at Schwiebert Park. It will be alcohol and amplified sound for about 2,000 people. Mr. Robinson motioned. Mr. Anderson seconded. All voted yes.
Special Event Application: Floatzilla
Staff recommends approval of the Floatzilla at Sunset Park. This is a yearly event that brings in about 3,500 people. There will be a beer garden to control alcohol consumption. Mr. Anderson motioned. Mr. Robinson seconded. All voted yes.
Youth Sport Photography Services bid
There were three bids all reviewed by staff. Staff recommends Shutterbug. Recommendation is based off of bid, rebate incentives and past experience and references. Mr. Robinson motioned. Mr. Anderson seconded. All voted yes.
10. Old Business
This is the last meeting for Don Deleu. The board thanks him for his service. Mike Foley is the newly appointed and will attend next meeting as the new park board member.
Motion to adjourn by Mr. Robinson. Ms. Hotle seconded. All voted yes. The meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm.