City of Colona Committee of the Whole met July 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
CALL TO ORDER: Directly after City Council Time: 6:50
ROLL CALL: Same at Council meeting
1. Approve the minutes of the July 10th 2023 Committee of the Whole Motion made by Alderman Lack to approve the minutes, seconded by Alderman Shady- Dahl. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley, Shady-Dahl, Goodrum, Jones, Lack, Swemline voted yes. Aldermen Stablein, and Painter were absent, 6 yes 2 absent Motion Passed Committee Reports:
****All committee's that have had their meeting before this Council meeting will have them posted on web within the 2 week period of this date.**
Finance/Admin Committee:
Alderman Stablein, Chair:, Aldermen Shady-Dahl, Jones, members Treasure Legare, Clerk Jones Staff, Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. at City Hall Last meeting talked about cross training, checking duties, ongoing discussion. Auditor proposals, seasonal and permanent staffing, review budget. IML Conference, purchasing used Porta potties for CSFP, discuss having internet at CSFP, discuss changes to Mission Square 457, and discuss Waterworth (a Continuous Utility Rate) Software. See complete minutes on the website.
Public Safety Committee:
Alderman Painter, Chair; Aldermen Dooley, Goodrum, members; Chief Swemline, Staff. They had their meeting July 7th At City Hall at 9:30 a.m. Chief reported New Squad #5 was hit by deer, one other squad got dented by a suspect running into the squad. Body cams were installed and have a switch kit put in cars, and the fiber optics is finishing up. Meets the 1st Fri. of the month at 9:30 City Hall
Alderman Swemline, Chair; Aldermen Goodrum, Jones, members; Public Works Director Stephens, Staff; Meets 1st Monday of the month at City Hall at 5:00 p.m.
Economic Development Committee:
Alderman Lack, Chair; Aldermen Stablein, Dooley, members: Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall
New Business:
Old Business: